It’s Official

So why make the change?
As several of my blog friends know, I went to a WordPress Word Camp event last Spring here in the San Francisco Bay area and was inspired by the ways the WordPress platform had options to design and expand the Outdoor Afro site. Blogger was very easy to use, but it felt limiting on the design and functionality side, and I wanted more technical involvement with the development of the site.
There was a bit of migration pain involved however, because a lot of the links pointing to the site were giving readers 404 error messages as the site settled into its new host, which took a couple of days. This downtime cost some precious Google rankings loss, and more importantly the opportunity to connect with the community.
Thankfully all has stabilized and patience has paid off. Special Thanks to J. Hererra and Jen at Blue Yonder Design for fielding my late night text messages and emails. Now I can refocus on my favorite part of Outdoor Afro: YOU — and produce content that inspires folks to get out of the house, and into the Great Outdoors.