Making Waves

About The Program

Outdoor Afro launched Making Waves during 2019 in response to the alarming number of Black children who drown today tied to the historic prohibition of Black access to beaches and public pools. It is Outdoor Afro’s goal to help every Black child and their caregiver within its sphere of influence learn how to swim. Making Waves also aims to help Black families and Black communities develop a positive relationship with water. To reclaim our legacy and strengthen relationships with water, Outdoor Afro partners with U.S. swim providers to fund lessons in water safety and basic swimming techniques. Our 2024 goal is to ensure 1,500 Black children and caregivers learn this life-saving skill while unlocking joy of water.


Black People Will Swim
Jamaica, New York

Evolutionary Aquatics
Charlotte, North Carolina

Foss Swim School
Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Washington, D.C.

Oshun Swim School
Seattle, Washington

Swimming is a life-saving and nature-embracing skill.

Outdoor Afro created Making Waves because research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consistently shows Black youth ages 10 to 14 drown in swimming pools at a rate more than 8 times that of white peers. This public health disparity is due largely to decades of segregation from public pools and beaches.


"As an avid angler and outdoorsman myself, I can’t begin to fathom all the joy I would have missed out on or the dangers I would have subjected myself to had my parents not ‘waterproofed’ us as kids," said Making Waves supporter Milton Reynolds. "This campaign offers such a powerful gift of freedom, agency, wellness, and possibility."

Swimmership Counter

2024 Goal: 1,500 New Swimmers Funded


Program FAQs

A: The Making Waves Program provides “Swimmerships” (swim lesson scholarships) to participating swim vendor partners. These Swimmerships can cover up to 100% of the costs of introductory-beginner swim lessons for Making Waves children and adults. Please contact your swim lesson provider to determine the percentage of the cost that is covered. 

A: The Making Waves Program centers and prioritizes Black children and their caregivers, although Swimmerships are open to all children and adults. Our aim is to remove barriers of access to introductory-beginner swim lessons and to ensure this life-saving skill. Please scroll up and read more about the program. Adults and children qualify.

A: Making Waves Swimmerships are only applicable to a single series of introductory or beginner swim lessons. Swimmerships cannot be used to cover the cost of intermediate or advanced swim lessons.  

A: There are two ways to get started:

    1. You can select any provider that you want, register and pay for your lessons, and send your receipt to Outdoor Afro to apply for a Making Waves Swimmership to cover some or all of your costs. If the provided information and receipt are valid, you could receive up to $200.00 toward the cost of yours or your child’s lessons. Please note, you can only request up to $200/swim participant for introductory-beginner swim lessons, or up to $400 per family. Please be sure to review all of the details on the request form. Apply here.
    2. If you are in an area where one of our swim provider vendors is, you can sign up for lessons through our provider (if space is available). Please visit their websites and contact them directly to learn more about availability and registration requirements. All of our current swim vendors are listed on our Making Waves landing page at 

A: Outdoor Afro aspires to reach as many Black children and families as we can in every community in America. To do this, we need great swim vendor partners. If you’re interested and mission-aligned, please submit your request to become a swim vendor partner with Making Waves through this application form. If your application is approved, Outdoor Afro will follow up with you to complete the process. Please review terms and conditions on the application form prior to submission.

A: Upon approval of your Swim Vendor Application, Outdoor Afro will inform you of the initial swimmership award. 

*Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee a specific number of Swimmerships (vendor or individual) in any given year. Swimmerships are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis based on approved applications. 

A: You must be 18+ to submit a Swimmership Application or a Swim Vendor Partner Application. All additional details about reimbursement can be found on the application forms. If you are under 18, your parents or guardian should submit the application.