Outdoor Afro Named Best Nature and Green Living Blog
This may be old news for those of you who follow our Facebook Page, but I am still so tickled to be honored by The Black Weblog Awards, an annual celebration of Black social media excellence — Outdoor Afro was recognized for Best Green Nature/Outdoor Blog!

The Black Weblog Awards was founded in 2005 to give recognition to Black bloggers (and those of the African diaspora) which are normally largely overlooked by other Internet award events on and offline. Winners were selected by members of the public through an online nomination process and determined by popular vote.
“The Black Weblog Awards create amazing energy each year within the Black blogosphere,” said Gina McCauley, the Executive Director of the 2011 Black Weblog Awards. “It is that one time of year when we all pause to recognize the hard work and determination it takes to produce content and build vibrant engaging online communities year-round.”
This year in the first time in the seven-year history of the Black Weblog Awards, the winners were announced in a live ceremony in Los Angeles, CA on July 9, 2011 during the 2011 Blogging While Brown Conference. I was away on an outdoor adventure with my family and could not make it, but me and the kids managed to watch live on my Droid from the Santa Cruz mountains, and squeeled in delight at the announcement.
“I am delighted and excited that the Black Weblog Awards were presented with the Blogging While Brown Conference,” said Maurice Cherry, Founder of the Black Weblog Awards. “This was an amazing opportunity to showcase hard-working bloggers, video bloggers, and podcasters to an audience of tastemakers and influencers.”
Take a peek at the video coverage of the event, Outdoor Afro (NOT Outdoor Diva) is mentioned at 3:15…
Thank you all for your enduring support and respect for this unique message from the very beginning. I am deeply humbled and grateful.