Hiking in winter is possible…

Hi y’all, I’m Alisha the Outdoor Afro leader from Los Angeles. Hiking in the winter is possible without bundling up in winter coats. Well, when you live in sunny Southern California it is!20130227-210111.jpg
So a group of us decided to start hiking every few weeks and figured with the sunshine blaring down, it would be a great time to start. We forgot to factor in the Santa Ana winds, which actually were helpful on our journey. We started off cold, but by the time we finished we were grateful for the breezes.
We planned on doing a 7 mile hike above Mountain Gate Country Club near the Getty Museum. We were so busy hiking, talking, and having a great time that we decided to go a little further. We ended up walking a little over 4 miles in and needed to assure we could make it back to our cars. In total we did over 9.5 miles and enjoyed every second of it.
I’m fully prepared to engage in hiking at least once a month. It is loads of fun, I feel it in my joints and it is amazing. The views were on our trip were breathtaking, and the air so clear. I can’t wait to get back out and explore again. Check out our photos: