The Past
Media created a false narrative of what Juneteenth is by painting it as a “celebration” to the end of slavery in the United States. In reality, it is the date 250,000 enslaved Black Americans in Galveston, Texas, were told they were free on June 19, 1865 – 2.5 years after the Emancipation Proclamation (signed Jan. 1, 1863) went into effect. Outdoor Afro is correcting this narrative by sharing this history nationwide. To honor this day, we encourage our community, partners, and regional networks to spend time in nature (whether a nearby beach, swimming pool, or public park for example). Our organization invites neighborhoods across the United States to join us to reflect on and commemorate freedom, asking ourselves: What does freedom mean to me?

The Present
Org theme: “Juneteenth 2024: Freedom to Access Water.” Our commemoration takes place Wednesday, June 19, on the federal holiday. It’s Outdoor Afro’s way of continuing to educate and course correct digital audiences and the general public about the true meaning of Juneteenth and our community connections to land, wildlife, and water.
How you canget involved?
SIMPLY GO OUTSIDE. By doing so, you’re pledging to join us in the outdoors. That’s it. Since Outdoor Afro dedicates each year to strengthening relationships with local waterways, discover a nearby water source in your neighborhood for only 2.5 hours – to reflect in honor of the 2.5 years that freedom delayed for 250,000 enslaved Black people of Galveston, Texas.