#HealthyHolidays: 11 Ways to Incorporate the Outdoors this Season

Join us in BEING INTENTIONAL about Black Family Health over the holidays!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year - a time when we gather at the ancestral lands of our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, cook our favorite homemade foods, decorate our homes  with  greenery, fruits and fire, and sing of snow filled winters with our children.
In tribute to these traditions and in recognition of how a simple walk in the woods improves mental and physical health, Outdoor Afro invites you to join us in our #HealthyHolidays campaign.
We hope you and your family will deepen your connections to nature and to each other by incorporating the outdoors into your holiday festivities:

  1. Discover the Black History at your local National Park.
  2. Plan your summer camping or backpacking trip.
  3. Create your own holiday decorations.
  4. Reserve your family's summer campsite.
  5. Preserve fruits, jams, jellies, and other favorite foods in a family canning activity.
  6. #OptOutside on Black Friday with REI.
  7. Explore your family's land and document its history.
  8. Cherish the laughter caused by sledding.
  9. Incorporate birding into your family snow shoe.
  10. Cook collectively with whole foods.
  11. Start swim lessons and/or to support family members learning to swim.


Traveling out of state? Did you know that there are Outdoor Afro communities in nearly 30 states. Check out if there is one where you are headed!

snow collage

Holding Space When You're the Only One Who Cares - A Lesson from My Dad

“Dad, we need another adventure together. You’re not getting any younger!”
“I wouldn’t mind going back to the Grand Canyon, you just try to keep up with me. Where do you think you get your energy from?”  



That’s how our trek into Havasupai Reservation in the Grand Canyon, Arizona began. Havasu meansblue-green water, and pai means people. I didn’t know such beautiful, Caribbean like water is carving out amazing places right here in the US - and I had been there! When I told my mom about the trip, she quoted me from when I was nine years old during a family vacation to the Canyon: “Whoopee. A giant hole. Can we go back to the pool?”   
My dad often took our family fishing and camping when I was younger, and those memories stuck with me, pushing me to become the explorer and the Outdoor Afro Leader I am today. In turn, my “baby-girl-of-the-family” position and teasing helped him become more active outside, too!
Although he’d say I dragged him, I knew he was excited for our hike in Havasupai. It was  about 30 miles in the desert for three days in June. Yep, one of the hottest months of the year. Permits were sold out for April, and I convinced my dad that we’d be fine since there are waterfalls! Having little experience hiking and camping in the desert and needing the right permits, we reserved a spot with a guided tour company. They would provide the food, tents, poles and packs, so we could just walk, swim and enjoy, right?  
Our first day of the hike was the more challenging than I expected. We walked down into the canyon for a very steep mile and a half, then over small rocks and gravel, for another eight or nine miles. It was almost 100 degrees, but our hats, water, long sleeve shirts, water, lots of salty snacks, water, and short breaks in the shade made it bearable. I drank about 3 liters in eight hours!  

The tough part started when we passed through the Havasupai village.        
The Havasupai Indians have a strained relationship with well… everyone. Like most native people, they were displaced from their land. Local and federal government agencies and independent hustlers disguised as entrepreneurs destroyed their way of life, resulting in their tribe dwindling to less than 500 members. Now, the Havasupai own and operate all of the mule companies that transport items (and sometimes people) through their reservation. Although they have some protected land, they struggle to meet their basic needs, have limited access to poor education and some developers are still trying to push them aside.      
What was most shocking was how the guides from all groups hardly interacted with any of the Havasupai. Everyone seemed very guarded and you could tell that most of the white people were anxious to get through the village. We stopped in a general store, and the clerk warily asked my dad and I if we were in a group, making a face when we responded. My dad chuckled and said “I’m with you, man.” Things smoothed out as he told us about his frybread being the best around.
I wanted to learn more about the Havasupai, but our guide and group were eager get to Havasu Falls. Later during dinner, the guide talked a little about the people in Havasupai using phrases like “encouraged to move.”

I sneered, frustrated at how the truth seemed glossed over just so we can ignorantly enjoy the Falls, but my dad, always laid-back and reserved, pleasantly stated facts and asked questions to get to a more significant conversation. He asked more about what happened when the Havasupai were relocated, how they interact with tour groups and about earning a profit from the transport mules, and how private developers and the government treat them now. We learned about an entrepreneur fighting for Havasupai land to build a gondola that would bring visitors to the bottom of the Grand Canyon!
Thanks to my dad’s patience and getting to the root of issues, I realized more about how the present continues to reflect the past, and that just being there to hold space and enjoy the outdoors is an act of resistance. 
That night was way too hot for sleeping even though we camped near a creek, but I had an amazing view of the Milky Way while I stewed and reflected. We were out of our tents early to beat the impending doom of the sun as we explored some highlights in the area. We did a very steep, slippery section using steps, ladders and chains to get to Mooney Falls and took lots of pictures in grottos and creeks heading toward Beaver Falls. 
After a satisfying lunch, we hiked uphill to Najavo and Fifty Foot Falls, where we swam among tall reeds. My dad, who is 62 and a city-dweller, is hesitant of the water, especially when it’s not a clear pool with a level bottom, but it was so hot he jumped right in! He wouldn’t come out too far to the falls, but I was proud of what he did.

The heat had us all wiped out and we spent the rest of the day in the water, relaxing for our 3:00 AM ascent out of the canyon back the way we came. This would be the most physically challenging part: hiking in the dark, about 10 miles, and a mile and a half of serious switchbacks at the end with about 1,000 feet elevation gain. Our guide set a quick pace, but my dad easily kept right up. I trudged along, weary and cranky from lack of sleep due to the heat, while my dad seemed to glide over the rocks. When we arrived to the switchbacks, the last mile, we all went at our own pace.

Our guide told us as we started the ascent, “Sherpas on Everest rarely take breaks climbing up. They take tiny baby steps. With the little tiny steps, take deep breaths and you’ll be able to calm your heart rate.”
Of course I took off like Wonder Woman; I had to beat my dad! That lasted about 10 minutes before I found myself using the sherpa strategy. I eventually found a rhythm, turned a corner and there was the top! At 8:20, almost 5 hours since we left camp, I danced out of the canyon.    
After a little relaxing and we-did-it selfies with two of the other hikers, I did what any loving daughter would do; I tried to yell to my dad to hurry up! Since it was a Tuesday morning, I wasn’t too obnoxious and turned back down the trail to finish with him. We were proud that he kept up with the group, and he was all smiles as raised his trekking poles and high-fived everyone at the trailhead.

After this trek, my dad flew home and I drove to Utah to explore Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks, along with a few state parks. During eight days, I saw just four black people! Two of them were black kids with a white family. When I saw a black guy who looked about my dad’s age at Zion, it was like seeing a familiar uncle; we chatted and hugged farewell.  
The parks were magnificent! However, at times I felt isolated, out of place and frustrated - even invisible when people bumped into to me in the Narrows at Zion. Genuine words from an Outdoor Afro and picturing my dad’s proud expression as he strolled out of Havasupai helped me focus on the beauty and wonder in the Southwest. They reminded me that we matter and that nature is

for everyone!  

 Chaya Harris is a second year Outdoor Afro leader in Boston, MA. She studied journalism at Northwestern, and has been an educator for eight years. She is a bit of a nerd who enjoys traveling, adventures and learning new things.

Outdoor Afro Welcomes Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, to its Board of Directors

Mike Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club & Rue Mapp, CEO and Founder of Outdoor Afro in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Salt Lake City, Utah – July 26, 2017 – Outdoor Afro, a national non-profit whose mission is to create and inspire Black leadership in nature, just announced its newest board member, Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club. Brune has been a long-standing supporter of Outdoor Afro.
“We are thrilled to have Michael join the board,” said CEO of Outdoor Afro, Rue Mapp. “His depth of knowledge and executive experience will be vital to our decision-making process and his national experience will be extremely valuable as Outdoor Afro continues to expand.”
Brune has served as Executive Director of the Sierra Club since March 2010. He has led efforts to organize volunteers for clean-up along the Gulf Coast after the BP oil disaster, overseen the organization’s Beyond Coal and Ready for 100 campaigns, promoted protection of natural resources and environmental justice, and led the push for justice and equity efforts within the Sierra Club. Previously, he was Executive Director of the Rainforest Action Network. His book, Coming Clean -- Breaking America's Addiction to Oil and Coal, details a plan for a new clean energy economy that will create well-paying jobs, promote environmental justice and bolster national security. Mr. Brune holds degrees in Economics and Finance from West Chester University in Pennsylvania.
“I have watched Outdoor Afro grow from a small blog to a national organization that is changing the face of conservation. Outdoor Afro is poised for an exciting future and I am thrilled to join the Board and look forward to helping the team accelerate growth and lead the way for inclusion in outdoor recreation, nature, and conservation for all,” said Mr. Brune.
Mr. Brune will be joining an experienced board with expertise in business, philanthropy, wildlife conservation and public lands stewardship.
About Outdoor Afro
Outdoor Afro has become the nation’s leading, cutting edge network that celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature by helping people take better care of themselves, our communities, and our planet. Outdoor Afro is a national non-profit organization with leadership networks around the country. With more than 60 leaders in 28 states, Outdoor Afro connects thousands of people to outdoor experiences, who are changing the face of conservation. For more information, visit www.outdoorafro.com.
About the Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.

REI Outessa Rocks for Women

Rue with Angela from KEENRue with Angela from KEEN

It’s been a week since I had the chance to visit Kirkwood, California at the Outessa event, hosted by Outdoor Afro partner REI. In collaboration with several outdoor brands, this was a curated weekend of activities geared toward women of all abilities in California’s beautiful Sierras. After a scenic beautiful drive several hours from my home in Oakland, I was glad to arrive and represent KEEN footwear as a KEEN ambassador and to present on the topic of getting kids outdoors.
From morning to night in the Outessa village there were delicious, and healthy meal options served family style. And over meals I had the chance to make connections with women who trekked from far and wide (the farthest participant I met was from Mexico City) to find encouragement and inspiration to try as many outdoor activities possible.

Activities began early with 6AM sunrise yoga, an inspirational talk over a delicious breakfast, and then participants could head out to take on an outdoor adventure. Outessa women could choose mountain biking, hiking, camping, climbing, stand-up paddle boarding and many more courses organized throughout the day. The KEEN booth was a popular gathering place where participants could “check out” a pair of Terradora shoes to scramble trails for the day.
Many participants had never tried outdoor activities like those hosted at Outessa, while many more were intrepid adventure travelers, ultra marathoners, triathletes, and more.

Trying on KEEN shoesTrying on KEEN shoes

Outdoor brands showed in up in force, providing lectures such as fellow  KEEN ambassador and environmental leader Meg Haywood Sullivan on stewardship, to workshops teaching skills like how to build a fire using simple tools, cook outside using cast iron, hydration strategies, or even learning to hula!

Unwinding after an incredible dayUnwinding after an incredible day

Just before departing on Sunday, I slipped on my KEEN Whispers and managed to squeeze in a delightful morning kayaking trip with about a dozen women. A courtesy shuttle delivered us to our launch site at nearby Silver Lake, where helpful REI Outdoor School instructors taught us some great stroke techniques that had everyone gliding over the calm glassy lake under the mountains with ease.
For me, the sold out women-focused weekend was unlike anything I have ever experienced. It was well organized with the highest quality of support and outdoor leadership, making it so easy to feel confident, find camaraderie, and give oneself over to simply being #SweatyDirtyHappy.

Rue with Angelou, CEO of Greening Youth FoundationRue with Angelou, CEO of Greening Youth Foundation

I highly recommend an Outessa weekend!
I’m grateful for the vision to create an experience that welcomes more people into outdoor experiences, and I hope that my fellow Outessa alums join me in spreading a love of adventure in the outdoors wherever they go!
For more information about Outessa, visit REI or click here.

This Shirt Has Our Back! Oaklandish T-Shirts Will Go on Many Missions with Outdoor Afro!

The Outdoor Afro 2017 Leadership Team
The Outdoor Afro 2017 Leadership Team

The  other day at  Outdoor Afro headquarters we chatted about getting the best deal for office and promotional items. One staff member suggested we compare prices and shop online, but I was quickly reminded how local economies depend on people buying locally. And this is one big reason why working with Oaklandish to produce the Outdoor Afro leadership t-shirt has always felt like the right decision!
Kriste from Denver Rockin' Oaklandish
Kriste from Denver Rockin' Oaklandish

As a not-for-profit organization, based out of my hometown of Oakland, it’s been terrific to work with the supportive staff of Oaklandish who not only produce great quality t-shirts and other gear, but also show appreciation for not-for-profits with a generous grant program.
The result is we were able to affordably pass on that Oakland business love on to our national leadership team training last month, where we hosted over 60 men and women near Washington, D.C., who use these shirts as their uniform and banner that celebrates and inspires African Americans in nature across nearly 30 states!
By now, most of our leaders have had a chance to use their shirts in action! And we had a chance to hear time and again that the style we selected is a hit! Along with looking snazzy, and photographing well, the Oaklandish t-shirts have also been comfortable for leaders to wear for all their outdoor adventures.

"This year's leader tees may be the best we've ever had! Soft and comfy, and even though it's cotton, it moves moisture well. An important benefit for all that leaders do!"  Beky, 6th year leader, NC

Thanks Oaklandish for helping us fulfill our mission with style!
For more information about Oaklandish, visit their website, follow them on Twitter and Instagram, then pay a visit to their downtown Oakland store!

So You Say You Can't Camp? Go RVing and KOA have You Covered!

Ziplining at KOA

Visiting KOA last month since our last time five years ago felt like returning home. On a Friday afternoon, my family and I wound our way south down Interstate 5 from our home in northern California through the green rolling hills -- the gateway of KOA Ventura Ranch --  a beautiful, welcoming sight!
Some of you may recall, the RV experiences we had back in 2012 changed our minds about how and who could RV. Growing up, I recall how much my aunt Sherry and uncle Herman loved to take their bus-sized vehicle on the road, careful to stop at places with options to camp and go fishing. My other Aunt Dee Dee and uncle Al loved to pile the youth of the church into her cabover RV and stage “staycations” at local parks and playgrounds where we would play until exhaustion, return to the RV for food and refreshments, then head right back out again.
Today’s RV experience looks both the same, and different -- and I am fortunate to have the chance now as the mother of three older children to explore more RV options than ever before that make it easy for anyone to enjoy the outdoors and create lasting family memories.
For the uninitiated, KOA’s are private parks that remain a nationwide answer for camping accommodations for all types of campers. You can bring a tent to pitch, bring your own RV, or stay in a ‘park model’ as we did again at Ventura Ranch. Park models look remarkably like a sturdy cabin, with all the amenities you could ever want to experience the camping lifestyle.  A real bed; electricity, temperature control, bathroom, and full kitchen for making your own meals are a great sell to folks who swear they would never camp. In case you were wondering, park models actually get to be classified as RVs because they have wheels underneath that make them wholly portable!
Comfort and Style
Comfort and Style

Our beautiful cabin with a private bedroom!
Spacious Interior

But I have to admit that some of the most fun of RVing is connecting with other families. RV parks always feel like a pop-up community where people look out for one another and are quick to say “hello!” We met some amazing people upon arriving Friday evening over a delicious welcoming meal. I found we all had in common a shared a passion for the outdoors and family, and ended our evening enjoying time around the fire talking and making s’mores.
Enjoying S'mores!
Enjoying S'mores!

Making the perfect marshmallow
The Perfect Marshmallow

After a wonderful night of rest in a comfy bed, it was a delight to wake up to the comical sound of the resident male peacocks in full breeding plumage, strutting and squawking to impress!
Gorgeous Peacock
Gorgeous Peacock

After breakfast, my teens participated in rocket building and T-shirt tie-dyeing then looked forward to the afternoon activities that included a re-do of the jumping pillow, climbing wall, and zip line from when they were younger. I enjoyed discovering the many improvements and additions to the property that now includes a beautiful, resort-style swimming area perfect for those hot summer months. In the evening, we campers enjoyed a delicious BBQ dinner by that pool, followed by night hiking in search of the legendary ‘Big Foot’ led by KOA staff under the glow of our flashlights and the stars.
T-Shirt Tie Dying

Flexing those muscles rock climbing!
Rock Climbing

One of the biggest highlights of my trip was rest! As an active working mom, who spends a fair amount of time on the road,  there are too few moments to retreat from packed daily schedules and routines, and quite frankly, sometimes ‘roughing it’ camping with kids can feel like more work than fun. So KOA is a great place where you can find a good balance between pre-planned activities led by staff, and relaxation you can do at your own pace!
A Moment of Rest
A Moment of Rest

As we prepared to leave Sunday morning (with more jaunty peacocks serenading our cabin), we were grateful to the Go RVing and KOA team who threw down on a delicious hot breakfast of biblical piles of bacon and waffles and shared hugs goodbye with new friends.
Until we will meet again KOA!
Thanks to Ventura Ranch KOA, and Go RVing for hosting another delightful and memorable weekend my family will treasure always!
To learn more about KOA’s around the country visit their website!  To plan an adventure of your own, visit Go RVing for info on how to get started, how to choose the RV that's right for you, where to go and so much more!
Photos by Jeff Crider & Rue Mapp