Outdoor Afro's Paddle Camp returns, doubles participation
OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA – An increasingly popular on-the-water experience for Outdoor Afro volunteer leaders is about to go into summer class again. Paddle Camp 2022 — in collaboration with boating and fishing equipment brand Northwest River Supplies, Inc. (NRS) — takes place July 30 through Aug. 6 on Lake Champlain in Burlington, Vermont.
“It’s so fulfilling to help guide our volunteer leaders in activities that continue to strengthen our community connections to water,” said Chaya Harris, Outdoor Afro’s National Program Director. “Paddle Camp is an opportunity to teach proper paddling techniques and water safety so that our volunteers can take these lessons back into their neighborhoods.”
With the support and expertise of NRS, camp engagement increased from 10 Outdoor Afro volunteer leaders in 2021 to now 20 volunteers wanting to learn boating skills that will help them better navigate and explore local waters. The seven-day summer session will include 10 canoers and 10 kayakers taking in-class and lakeside courses at St. Michael’s College outside of Burlington. Each volunteer will take away invaluable training, earning a Level I or Level II kayaking or canoeing certification through the American Canoe Association.
“Breaking down barriers to the outdoors is about creating opportunities for people to develop the skills and knowledge they need to get outside safely and enjoyably,” said NRS Chief Marketing Officer Mark Deming. “We’re thrilled to be able to support this effort to prepare volunteer leaders from Outdoor Afro to share their love of the water with people in their home communities.”
Paddle Camp prepares volunteers to become certified canoeing and kayaking instructors. The camp is led by NRS ambassador, accredited paddling instructor, and outdoor school leader Todd Johnstone-Wright. Prior to last year’s Paddle Camp, Harris also became a certified instructor under Johnstone-Wright’s instruction and helped lead the inaugural Outdoor Afro volunteer leader cohort.
“Todd does an amazing job uplifting everyone as a fully capable learner while also honoring the knowledge and experience each participant brings,” Harris said, “no matter how minimal their skill sets may be at the start of camp.” Once camp completes, volunteer leaders are expected to host at least three post-camp activities in their respective communities across the United States. During 2021, volunteers exceeded this expectation, said Harris.
That year, up to 109 people learned how to paddle — as well as general paddle safety — after volunteers hosted follow-up paddling activities in their local communities. Outdoor Afro volunteer leader Antonio Simmons participated in the 2021 cohort. “I never imagined going into this camp that I would have an experience I thoroughly enjoyed the way that I did,” said the Delaware, Maryland, and Vermont network leader. “I came away with so many new tools.”
Harris anticipates volunteer leader participation and the overall community impact becoming something even bigger after this year’s camp. Paddle Camp is just one of many professional development opportunities Outdoor Afro offers. The network's now 117 volunteers are able to expand their leadership and outdoor safety acumen within the industry through local events, national conferences, and seasonal expeditions.

Annually, Outdoor Afro trains a select group of applicants to participate in its Outdoor Afro Leadership Training or OALT. This training equips volunteers with the essential outdoor proficiency to guide local communities in nature sustainably and safely. Paddle Camp is just another beneficial possibility that allows volunteers to build their nature portfolio. After successfully finishing the 2022 course, volunteers will have much to applaud alongside NRS, which celebrates 50 years in the business. Established in 1972 by business professor Bill Parks, NRS is the leading manufacturer of paddlesports equipment and apparel with a mission to empower adventures on the water.
In addition to creating boating gear, NRS is committed to preserving access to on-the-water recreation and to promoting stewardship of wild places. The brand works closely with national organizations and local groups throughout the world to help care for rivers, lakes, and oceans. “I was able to achieve my three classes in the DMV network last year as a result of Paddle Camp,” said Simmons. “Some people had never been kayaking, so seeing the joy and excitement on their faces as their fear of the water went away was thrilling and eye-opening.”
ABOUT OUTDOOR AFRO: Outdoor Afro is a national not-for-profit organization that celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature. What started as a kitchen table blog by Founder and CEO Rue Mapp in 2009 has since grown into a cutting-edge nationwide network with 100-plus volunteer leaders in 60 cities with network participation reaching 60,000 people. Outdoor Afro reconnects Black people with the outdoors through outdoor education, recreation, and conservation. Follow Outdoor Afro on social @outdoorafro today.
ABOUT NRS: NRS is 100-percent employee-owned and is the world’s leading supplier of equipment and apparel for water recreation, safety, and rescue. Founded in 1972 with a vision to create a better kind of company, NRS is dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of its customers, employees, and community. For more information about NRS, visit nrs.com, @nrsweb, or call 877-677-4327.
Machine Falls: where endurance hikers, leaders are born
The accordion-like hike chugs along with ease. Then, a collective cautiousness seeps in. Ahead, a 60-foot descension. Disjointed stones, hard-to-identify wooden staircases, and protruding tree roots offer occasional guidance with each unsure footstep. A steep, jagged drop any hiker would question. Then, her voice echoes toward the group: “Take your time,” said Outdoor Afro volunteer leader Danielle Young, 35. “There’s no rush.”
“Whew!” Some blurted. “Thank goodness!” Another wave murmured under their breath. Once that part of the hiking gauntlet completes, everyone temporarily lands back on solid ground. Young gives clear direction for this next part: It’s slippery entering the water. Which, by the way, comes to one's knee. Something she gave notice about weeks before on Outdoor Afro’s Tennessee Meetup page.
“So walk slowly,” Young said. “I will be there at the halfway point to tell you where to go next.” A woman of her word, she does. For the last time as an Outdoor Afro volunteer leader. An assignment she now passes to new 2022 volunteer leader Danae Gaiter, 36. After a few mental scares and semi-water treading hesitations, the party of nearly 15 community participants arrive at their destination: Machine Falls Loop Trail in Tullahoma, Tennessee. Roughly an hour drive from Nashville.
The aerospace and aviation hub in Southern Middle Tennessee is home to the world's most advanced flight testing center. Railroad construction actually created the community, which chartered in 1852. However, the city’s surrounding springs became popular tourist attractions alongside its growing avionics history. Machine Falls became one of Tullahoma’s many challenging sightseeing routes and waterfalls visitors wanted to test. Explore water life (creek beds and smaller waterfalls), fauna, and flora as pluses to the trail.

Positioned off a 4.1-mile loop, the more than 60-foot-tall waterfall is a top Outdoor Afro activity on Tennessee participants' to-visit list. For the past three years, Young has guided those interested in the destination on Outdoor Afro weekend adventures. COVID paused group trips to Machine Falls until recently. However, Young found personal peace at the waterfall while waiting for network events to start again. Outdoor Afro has helped Young in present times of grief.
“Logging offline and heading into nature is just soothing, especially with everything that has been thrown at me,” said Young, a cyber defense major. Because Young plans to move closer to her sister who lives in Texas, she recommended Gaiter as her volunteer leader replacement. Gaiter, who participated in her very first Outdoor Afro activity in November 2021, accepted. As network events posted to Meetup, Gaiter joined more journeys with Young. Refreshed. Inspired.
“It felt so good to be with like-minded people,” said Gaiter. “Breathing in the early morning air. That sense of being welcomed. Getting all my questions about nature answered.” Sold on taking Young’s place, Gaiter applied to become an Outdoor Afro volunteer leader. After many screenings and interviews by the networks’ national program director, Chaya Harris, Gaiter joined the Class of 2022 volunteer leaders. Totaling 117 volunteers this year. Next, Gaiter hopped on a flight to Granby, Colorado, for Outdoor Afro Leadership Training (OALT) held at River Run RV Resort.

Another weekend experience but for selected and trained applicants to gain the essential tools needed to guide local communities in nature sustainably and safely. The training is organized annually by Outdoor Afro staff and experienced volunteer leaders who share the organization's history, values, best practices, and industry knowledge, including: trip planning basics; health impacts of nature conservation ethics; risk management; and effective social media storytelling. Select partners and guest speakers are invited to the training to provide field insights, and share inspiration and encouragement.
After training, volunteer leaders like Gaiter create and guide monthly trips that foster local program collaborations, and help strengthen community relationships with land, water, and wildlife. Volunteers center joy and healing, disrupting a false perception that Black people do not have a relationship to nature. “I’m really big on making people feel comfortable,” said Gaiter. “We belong in this space. I look forward to reassuring our participants that there is safety in numbers within group experiences.” Gaiter’s contributions are part of Outdoor Afro’s 60,000 participation network.
The national not-for-profit organization spans 60 cities across the country. Located in 32 states, including Washington, D.C. That moment at Machine Falls where participants made it safely and together to the cascading water scene is what OALT prepares volunteer leaders for. The arduous hike left 67-year-old Jesse Green Jr. of Nashville in anticipation for the local network’s next nature quest. “I could have stayed at that waterfall all day with Outdoor Afro,” said Green Jr., a former YMCA certified swim instructor trainer. “I loved hearing the water. Although it was really cold water, it was a great experience with new people.”

Annual network training welcomes new nature lovers
OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA– It’s considered the “most wonderful time of the year” for national not-for-profit Outdoor Afro. And for 2022, the organization’s always-anticipated Outdoor Afro Leadership Training (OALT) finally returns in person. “Two years ago, COVID forced us to shift our annual training into consecutive virtual workshops and interactive sessions,” said Outdoor Afro Founder and CEO Rue Mapp. “We’re so excited that we can now gather safely in a space that accommodates our staff, partners, and the 2022 class of volunteer leaders in nature.”
OALT is where outdoor enthusiasts gain firsthand experience in navigating and leading in nature. This year’s training with more than 100 new and returning volunteer leaders takes place at Sun Outdoors’ River Run RV Resort in Granby, Colorado, starting Earth Day 2022 from April 22 through April 24. Coinciding with Earth Day’s 2022 theme of “Invest in Our Planet,” OALT discusses and puts into action outdoor conservation, education, and recreation so that volunteer leaders can create safe, sustainable, and nature-rich activities in their local communities across the United States.
Outdoor Afro’s mission is to celebrate and inspire Black connections and leadership in nature. With a brand-new cohort of selected volunteer leaders for 2022-23, OALT is an intimate opportunity for volunteers, Outdoor Afro staff, and network partners to bond and continue to strengthen Black people’s relationships with the outdoors. For this year’s training, Outdoor Afro partnered with Sun Outdoors – a leader in outdoor hospitality with more than 175 resorts and campgrounds across the United States and Canada.
“This partnership with Outdoor Afro is an important element in our overall goal as a company,” said Karen Dearing, Chief Financial Officer for Sun Outdoors’ parent company Sun Communities, “creating a path towards fostering a more diverse society.” At Sun Outdoors’ River Run location, Outdoor Afro staff and experienced volunteers will share the organization’s history, values, best practices, and industry knowledge, including: trip planning basics; health impacts of nature; conservation ethics; risk management; and effective social media storytelling.

Select partners and guest speakers are invited to the training to provide field insights, and share inspiration and encouragement. After training, volunteer leaders create and guide monthly trips that foster local program collaborations, and help strengthen community relationships with land, water, and wildlife. Some examples of nature-rich experiences Outdoor Afro volunteer leaders guide after the training completes: camping, fishing, hiking, biking, kayaking, gardening, skiing, horseback riding, canoeing, geocaching, bird watching, nature journaling, and more.
Volunteer leaders center joy and healing, while also disrupting a false perception that Black people do not have a relationship to nature. Outdoor Afro formed 13 years ago. OALT started in 2012 with just a dozen volunteer outdoor enthusiasts. Each took the call to learn directly from Mapp about how to inspire and guide unforgettable experiences in nature. “OALT is like a family reunion,” said Outdoor Afro’s National Program Director Chaya Harris. “Our volunteer leaders join us from our four regions – Midwest, Northeast, South, and West – for a weekend filled with organized intergenerational fun and outdoor learning.”
ABOUT OUTDOOR AFRO: Outdoor Afro is a national not-for-profit organization that celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature. What started as a kitchen table blog by Founder and CEO Rue Mapp in 2009 has since grown into a cutting-edge nationwide network with 100-plus volunteer leaders in 60 cities. “Where Black people and nature meet,” Outdoor Afro reconnects Black people with the outdoors through outdoor education, recreation, and conservation. Follow us @outdoorafro on social.
ABOUT SUN OUTDOORS: Sun Outdoors is a leader in outdoor hospitality and committed to its mission of offering guests exceptional and transformative outdoor experiences. With over 175 locations across the U.S. and Ontario, Canada, Sun Outdoors offers guests several ways to stay: from RV sites to vacation rentals, from tent camping to glamping, whether they stay for a weekend, season or longer. Visit sunoutdoors.com to learn more. Sun Outdoors is a division of Sun Communities Inc., a publicly traded company which, as of September 30, 2021, owns, operates and has an interest in 584 developed manufactured home, RV and marina properties comprising over 155,900 developed sites and nearly 44,900 wet slips and dry storage spaces in 38 states, Canada and Puerto Rico. Sun Communities is a fully integrated real estate investment trust (REIT) listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol: SUI. suncommunities.com.