Outdoor Afro searches for visionary Chief Operating Officer to lead not-for-profit’s pivotal ‘Year of Innovation’

Outdoor Afro is where Black people and nature meet. It’s also where a new Chief Operating Officer can help strategically guide the national not-for-profit organization’s daily operations. “We’re now in search of a Chief Operating Officer who can partner with me as an executive leader,” said Outdoor Afro Founder and CEO Rue Mapp, “an individual who can lead and manage our talented team. Someone who is also a skilled organizational manager.” In its “Year of Innovation” and now 15th year since its founding, Outdoor Afro seeks a leader who can inspire and drive innovation internally for high-impact program results. This role involves optimizing operations, providing financial oversight, and leading development, partnerships, and board engagement.


Outdoor Afro is seeking a candidate who can ensure operational efficiency, strategic alignment, financial health, strong board relations, high-performing teams, domain expertise, and thought leadership. The organization started as a blog and social enterprise by Mapp. She incorporated Outdoor Afro in 2015 as a 501(c)(3) and has led it since as CEO. The organization has grown from that blog and three founding board members to 12 full-time staff and a 13-member Board of Directors. Outdoor Afro’s operating budget has grown from a modest $110,000 in revenue in 2015 to now $4 million – largely from foundations, individuals, and corporate partner support.

ABOUT OUTDOOR AFRO: Outdoor Afro is a national not-for-profit organization that celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature. What started as a kitchen table blog by Founder and CEO Rue Mapp in 2009 has since grown into a cutting-edge nationwide organization. Outdoor Afro’s U.S. networks include nearly 100-plus volunteer leaders who guide nature activities in up to 60 cities with network participation reaching 60,000 people annually. Outdoor Afro reconnects Black people to the outdoors through outdoor education, recreation, and conservation. Connect with @outdoorafro on social and visit outdoorafro.org to follow our year-round nature narratives.